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WitchGameAdvance (working title, obviously) is a game I am trying to make for the GBA Jam 2024. I would like it to be a zelda-like, where you are a witch who lost her familiar and is trying to reunite with it.

The current progress is that I have one placeholder map, collisions, and a character sprite. It's not much given the time I've already spent on it, but that's because most of my time was spent wrangling the code, which was a lot of fun!

I am doing it in C using libtonc, which abstracts a few things but still leaves me with all the fun stuff (like doing math to make the map move, doing math to make the character move, doing math to display the tiles in the right order, ...)

My current challenges are drawing an actual map (I have little experience in pixel art and no experience at all in drawing backgrounds), designing an actual level, animating the character sprite, and wondering how the hell am I gonna play music and sounds during all of that (that last part is singlehandedly making me regret not going for a higher level lib like Butano...)